by pja329 | Dec 25, 2011 | CGPH 11, CGPH 14, Digital Art, Educational Technology, IMA 501
by pja329 | May 2, 2011 | Art85, Digital Art, Educational Technology, Interactive Multimedia, what is new
[youtube=] Although in the earliest stages of development, this virtual reality gaming rig already looks pretty intriguing. Engineered by clever kids at the University of Texas at Austin, it hot-wires an...
by pja329 | May 1, 2011 | 501Lecture, Educational Technology, IMA 502
Learning in a Digital Age Libraries and learning in general are undergoing a radical change. This past semester I presented a paper entitled “The Digital Incunabula” at Post. Very simply put, the presentation focused on how we are in the midst of a major change in...
by pja329 | Feb 22, 2011 | Art85, Educational Technology, what is new
Kno, the makers of single- and dual-screen tablets for students, is looking to sell off the hardware manufacturing part of its business, according to All Things Digital’s Kara Swisher. Swisher reports that “sources close to the situation” say that...
by pja329 | Aug 6, 2010 | Educational Technology, Interactive Multimedia
There is a term going around today called “Disruptive Technology”. Basically it means anything that truly is groundbreaking. Maybe it should actually be progressive technology with progressive meaning going forward. The industrial revolution was close to 100 years ago...
by pja329 | Jun 23, 2010 | Educational Technology
Creating a true reflection. Reflections have always amazed me. How is it possible that one object could capture the exact image of another object? I understand the physics and all but I often wonder about what the image actually looks like – is our interpretation...